Welcome to Computational Discrete Mathematics

This class will provide a broad introduction to computational discrete mathematics.

At its core this class will cover how to effectively do mathematics on computers. This involves topics like such as:

  • Using a computer algebra system like Sage or Maple
  • Algorithms for performing arithmetic on polynomials and arbitrarily large integers
  • Solving linear Diophantine equations and the extended Euclidean algorithm
  • Efficient modular arithmetic and the Chinese remainder algorithm
  • Polynomial evaluation and interpolation and Karatsuba's multiplication algorithm
  • Primality testing and factorization
  • Fast multiplication and the discrete Fourier transform
  • Fast division and Newton iteration
  • Satisfiability solving and the Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland procedure

A number of applications of these topics will be discussed, such as to coding theory, cryptography, and computer-assisted proofs.

Instructor: Curtis Bright
Course Code: COMP8920-2-R-2021F Selected Topics
Class: Thursdays 2:30–5:20 PM (online)
Webpage: Blackboard


Assessment for the course will be based on a few things:

  • Completing implementations of some of the algorithms that we discuss or related exercises (30%)
  • Presenting topic(s) related to the course that are of interest to you (20%)
  • A final project that will consist of reviewing a paper or collection of papers and writing an explanatory report of around 10 pages (50%)


There is no required textbook for the course, but the following books are good references:

The lecture notes will be posted on Blackboard.


This class will mostly use the computer algebra system Sage which is freely available and runs on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Some topics may be covered using Maple, a commercial computer algebra system developed by Maplesoft. You can choose whichever system you prefer to use. Maple has a free trial and I can provide you with a discount code if you are interested in purchasing an indefinite license or a license for the term.